Today I received an awesome gift from and awesome artist.

This started as a hobby, but has now turned into a full-time business. I am so excited for him.

The Gift:


guitar 11-20-13

This has made my day!!! If you are looking for something unique and you love guitars check out his website.

Faith Without Action

I deem myself a Christian, but I also question clichés Christian folks make.

Conversing with a lady and the scenario of her situation was she is being mistreated on her job of twenty-five years,having to take on responsibilities for her co-workers duties and expected to have all her projects completed on time as well.

She made the remark: “I’m not going to complain, because God is going to give me my reward in heaven.” I thought, what the ham and cheese (to put it nicely)!

You are telling me God has no desire for you to prosper or have rewards on earth? I truly disagree!

I understand being patient and doing what you have to do when on a job, but when is enough, enough. I don’t understand why we as Christian are taught to just wait and take whatever is thrown your way. My opinion that is not biblical. The bible clear reads: “faith without works (action) is dead”.

This is total lack of knowledge. In a lot of cases we as Christians do whatever the preacher says instead of reading the word for ourselves to know if he/she is misquoting the bible. The bible also clearly reads: “study to show thyself approved”.

I have been on the band wagon of ignorance before, but not anymore.

I have learned in the past year to stand up for myself, especially if I feel I am been mistreated. I defend myself decently and in order, you do not have to be irate to get your point across.

You can not just sit and wait for something to happen, the bible also reads:”God gives you the power (ability) to get wealth”. You can not just go to work and sit at home and expect anything to happen if you do not apply yourself.

Bottomline: I have never met a rich person that sat at home and did nothing and became wealthy. You have to put faith with action.

All this to say is there is a time and place for everything. As a Christian, I do not believe you have to be mistreated or abused and think that if God wants me out he will move on my behalf.

I do not believe it works that way.

I leave you with this thought:” If you are believing to win the lottery and you have not purchased a ticket, how do you expect to win?
