
On this journey of life there are challenges along the way, but the Creator has given us all the ability through his grace to overcome every obstacle we face. It is up to each of us to accept the path he has chosen for us individually.

Only the creator knows your purpose and destiny. I have learned over the past few years that you can not let man dictate your life. My experience people have stated you should do this or that, but that was not what I was drawn to. Therefore, if you don’t feel it more than likely it is not your path.

We all “do not” have the same purpose in life, but I do believe we have similar purposes. We all need somebody , yes we are all different whether personality, or shades our common bond is we are all “human”. We are made for each other.

So while you pursue your purpose on this journey learn the lesson from each challenge and continue to move forward. Every situation there is a lesson to be learned. Keep your eyes on whatever you deem your prize.


The Master of Originality

One thing I am positive about is that we all were created with an inner ability to create. You have to discover what has been imparted into your spirit and manifest that gift into the natural realm.

This is my belief: God the creator of the universe (which includes me and you) has given us all the ability to gain wealth. The issue with this truth is everyone will not use that ability.

I do believe stealing is not a gift, though some may argue the statement. We all have creative ideas and some ideas may be similar, but there will be something different about each because we are all different. If I make cupcakes and my friend does as well, to me that is not stealing or not being original. My recipe would differ in some way I can use butter milk and he can use condense milk. It is all in the ingredients that make each product different.

There is no room for jealousy either, because there are enough people on planet earth to make each of our business thrive. Meaning what is for me is for me we both will attract the clients meant for us.

So there is no need to take another persons recipes or quotes and make them yours. Just take the time to meditate and discover your own God-given abilities, creativity or talents.

Bottomline: Seek The Master Creator of originality to tap into you own “unique” gifting.






Faith Without Action

I deem myself a Christian, but I also question clichés Christian folks make.

Conversing with a lady and the scenario of her situation was she is being mistreated on her job of twenty-five years,having to take on responsibilities for her co-workers duties and expected to have all her projects completed on time as well.

She made the remark: “I’m not going to complain, because God is going to give me my reward in heaven.” I thought, what the ham and cheese (to put it nicely)!

You are telling me God has no desire for you to prosper or have rewards on earth? I truly disagree!

I understand being patient and doing what you have to do when on a job, but when is enough, enough. I don’t understand why we as Christian are taught to just wait and take whatever is thrown your way. My opinion that is not biblical. The bible clear reads: “faith without works (action) is dead”.

This is total lack of knowledge. In a lot of cases we as Christians do whatever the preacher says instead of reading the word for ourselves to know if he/she is misquoting the bible. The bible also clearly reads: “study to show thyself approved”.

I have been on the band wagon of ignorance before, but not anymore.

I have learned in the past year to stand up for myself, especially if I feel I am been mistreated. I defend myself decently and in order, you do not have to be irate to get your point across.

You can not just sit and wait for something to happen, the bible also reads:”God gives you the power (ability) to get wealth”. You can not just go to work and sit at home and expect anything to happen if you do not apply yourself.

Bottomline: I have never met a rich person that sat at home and did nothing and became wealthy. You have to put faith with action.

All this to say is there is a time and place for everything. As a Christian, I do not believe you have to be mistreated or abused and think that if God wants me out he will move on my behalf.

I do not believe it works that way.

I leave you with this thought:” If you are believing to win the lottery and you have not purchased a ticket, how do you expect to win?



In spite of some of the awful things that happens on this journey called life. I awake today grateful to be among the living.

I’m grateful to have the blood running warm through each of my veins and arteries.

Grateful for a pumping heart, eyes to see, ears to hear the birds chirp every morning. The use and activities of all my limbs.

Grateful to be in my right mind.

Grateful I had the ability to get up without the assistance of another individual this morning and every morning.

Grateful for dear friends, one that is retiring today.

Grateful that she is in good health and she and her husband both are free to travel. Their son just got moved up to the Tampa Bay Rays this was such awesome timing.

With all the tragedies in life it is still great to be alive.

Each day you awake is another chance and opportunity to be or do something great and positive.

Let go of the past hurt and reach forward to higher heights of a better life.

Embrace and enjoy every moment of life!

Launching To Higher Heights

I recently had an interesting conversation with a friend. I never realized that we were so indifferent to certain things in life. I’ve finally analyzed this conversation…just because you don’t understand the purpose of one’s life does not mean their course in life is evil or wrong.

I shared with her that I wanted to work for a movie studio.

Her response was: That career path is not of God. It puzzled me! You see, some christians are sometimes too deep for their own being. I can have a relationship with God and work for a movie studio. If that’s the case why does any Christian works.

My analogy: we live on this earth and in order to survive this journey in most cases it will consist of working. My working for a movie studio has nothing to do with my spiritual connection with God.

I have always had the desire to be in that field (not necessarily an actress, but if the opportunity arise I’ll happily accept the offer) to work behind the scenes. Working behind the scenes will still make me apart of any production created.

What she fail to realize is that we all are different and uniquely made. Your desires may not be like mine and vise versa. I like a Range Rover you may like an Explorer, but that does not make your choice evil or wrong.

“My point is what’s for me is for me”.

So many years I have allowed people to make decisions and choices for me and now that I’m older and wiser I feel I’ve missed out on so many opportunities, because I did not make the choices I desired.

Now I have taken full charge of my life and others are having a hard time adjusting to my choices and for some reason feels that I think I’m better than them. No! I have just chosen to launch and fly to higher heights.

“I have left the nest”.

Bottom line: If you desire to be an actress, baker, chef, manager etc. the choice is yours. Don’t let others dictate your life or discourage you from pursuing your hearts desires. You choose today your life path, it is never too late. Selah!!!


Right in Front of You

Often we ask a question and fail to realize that the answer is right in front of us and has been presented. The problem lies within us not wanting that particular answer.

This scenario was presented to me by a young man: His girlfriend gave him the ultimatum, he had thirty days to choose between his job or her. I said you already know the answer.  If you quit your job and choose her, then how will we survive. To me that one is a no brainer. He replied that he will pray on it. My response: okay you pray and ask God to change her heart and mind concerning this issue. What if God doesn’t change her heart? What then?

I do understand when you are in a relationship you have invested time, but don’t forget to remember there is always an answer it just may not be the one you hoped for. A lot of times somethings just aren’t meant to be and we as humans try to make things work regardless.

In counseling some of the young girls in this new generation they want their partners to be at home with them 24/7 and that puzzles me, because if he doesn’t work and you don’t work how will the bills get paid.

Just think about the prayers you prayed did you already receive an answer and it’s just not the one you wanted?

Don’t forget to remember, the answer is already presented it is up to you to choose.





On a sad note, this week a dear friend of mine passed away. I pondered the thought, did he die prematurely? He touched the lives of so many through his music, writings and ministry.

He was a true worship leader in every since of the word. I believe there was so much more for him and I don’t believe he received all that God had for him.

When you allow man to dictate your life you lose out on many opportunities. I believe in this life when you give of yourself you should reap a harvest on earth.

Bottomline: You can’t let people keep you in a box because they are in one. It’s called “control”. People that try to control others see the greatness in you and therefore they try to hinder you from moving forward in life. In their mind they don’t want you to achieve more than them.

My declaration is to stop allowing people to keep me boxed in. There has to come a time to get out of the box and proceed to fulfil your purpose in life not in the life of others.

Seize the moment each day to reach for more and not to stand stagnant in the wait of others. Selah!!!