The Avid Reader

I am an “Avid” reader and even though the e-readers are high in demand, I still love the idea of holding an actual book in my hand. With my  love for reading, I have always wanted to design bookmarks. I did not just want to make the regular card stock style and I recently had an “A-Ha” moment. I wanted to make bookmarks with a different twist. With some inspiration from my daughter-in-law I made a few just to share.Check out some of my designs.

Football with name, Purple Flower with design, Orange Flower with love.

photo 1

 Bedazzled with purple center

 photo 4



The Master of Originality

One thing I am positive about is that we all were created with an inner ability to create. You have to discover what has been imparted into your spirit and manifest that gift into the natural realm.

This is my belief: God the creator of the universe (which includes me and you) has given us all the ability to gain wealth. The issue with this truth is everyone will not use that ability.

I do believe stealing is not a gift, though some may argue the statement. We all have creative ideas and some ideas may be similar, but there will be something different about each because we are all different. If I make cupcakes and my friend does as well, to me that is not stealing or not being original. My recipe would differ in some way I can use butter milk and he can use condense milk. It is all in the ingredients that make each product different.

There is no room for jealousy either, because there are enough people on planet earth to make each of our business thrive. Meaning what is for me is for me we both will attract the clients meant for us.

So there is no need to take another persons recipes or quotes and make them yours. Just take the time to meditate and discover your own God-given abilities, creativity or talents.

Bottomline: Seek The Master Creator of originality to tap into you own “unique” gifting.
